The South Sumatera Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) held a meeting to discuss the land of the South Sumatera LRT depot area on Friday, 7 October 2023. Located in the Ampera Room of BPKARSS, the activity was attended by various agencies involved in the settlement of these assets. 

Among others, the Director General of Railways, Director of Railway Infrastructure, South Sumatera Transportation Department, South Sumatera DLHP, South Sumatera BPKP, South Sumatera Land Agency, Banyuasin BPN, as well as the Head of Maintenance and Sub Division of Administration of BPKARSS. 

Head of Finance and Administration of BPKARSS Isyul Bahri explained, the discussion was of course to find a bright spot regarding land stakes, land status, and the legal force of the land. 

"We hope to get a solution soon, so that the assets of the South Sumatera LRT depot area can be certified immediately," he said. 

So far, the process of discussing assets has not been finalized, due to administrative issues that were once missing at BPN. "Right, South Sumatra DLHP is taking care of all this. So, the data was missing. So that is a bit halted," he said. 

Therefore, the meeting issued a solution regarding the asset settlement timeline. Namely, from July-September. Starting from preparation, application for PNBP payment rights, land measurement and PBT issuance, land research, issuance of Right Decree, issuance of right to use certificate, to submission of right to use certificate.

The whole process involves South Sumatra DLHP, BPKARSS, South Sumatra BPKAD, and Banyuasin BPN.

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