Six members of the South Sumatra Provincial House of Representatives (DPRD) from Dapil 1 Palembang City, namely DR.HJ.RA ANITA NOERINGHATI,SH,MH, Ir.YUDHA RINALDI, PRIMA SALAM,SH, H.CHAIRUL S MATDIAH,SH,M ,KES, H.KARTAK SAS,SE, and MGS,H.SYAIFUL FADLI,ST,MM, made a working visit for phase III recess at the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) office. Their arrival was welcomed directly by the Head of BPKARSS, Rode Paulus GP, S.Si.T., MT The purpose of this working visit was listening to input and inspiration from the people of Palembang City, especially related to services provided by BPKARSS. This activity was also attended by BPKARSS employees and representatives from South Sumatra Province Transportation Agency and Palembang City Transportation Agency.

Rode Paulus, in his presentation, explained that BPKARSS was established on 18 December  2018 with the main task of managing Light Rail Transit (LRT) facilities and infrastructure in South Sumatra. Currently, BPKARSS provides several services including South Sumatra LRT Transport, Feeder Transport, and Non Core Utilization. In the context of feeder transportation, BPKARSS serves 7 routes, including from Talang Kelapa to Talang Buruk, St. Asrama Haji to Sematang Borang, St. Asrama Haji to Talang Betutu, St. Polresta to OPI Housing Complex, St. DJKA to Terminal Plaju, RSUD to Sukawinatan, and from Stadion Kamboja to Bukit Siguntang. Of these routes, two were funded by the Palembang City Government and the other five were funded by BPKARSS.

One of the DPRD members, H.KARTAK SAS, SE, responded to the information by committing to encourage the South Sumatra Provincial Government to support the operation of feeder transportation services in Palembang City. "We will advocate and ensure financial support from the Provincial Government to ensure the smooth operation of this feeder transportation," said H.KARTAK SAS, SE.

DR.HJ.RA ANITA NOERINGHATI, SH, MH, also said that the South Sumatra LRT is a pride for the people of Palembang City. "We must be proud that the first LRT in Indonesia is in Palembang. So we must utilize it and use it."

This working visit is not only a form of direct approach between the legislative and executive, but also as a concrete step to improve and develop public transportation services in Palembang City. With the cooperation between the members of the DPRD and BPKARSS, it is expected that public transportation services in this city can be more efficient and quality, in line with the growth and needs of the growing community.

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