The South Sumatera Light Railway Management Board (BPKARSS) apologizes for the " hustle" that has occurred in recent days regarding rumors that the South Sumatera LRT Feeder will stop operating. Head of BPKARSS Rode Paulus on 11 October 2023 said that this is not true. The rumor was caused by a disagreement between PT Transportasi Global Mandiri (TGM) as the feeder service provider and the review decision of the BPKP of South Sumatera Province.

"First, we apologize deeply to all the people of South Sumatra for the "hustle" that occurred on social media and in the print / online media. And secondly, we also apologize to the drivers and employees of PT TGM who are restless because their rights have not been paid" said rode.

We need to say, that we have actually been ready for a long time to make payment obligations to PT TGM. The payment must be in accordance with the review results from the BPKP of South Sumatera Province.

However, we only received the bill from PT TGM today. The problem is that the results of the BPKP review of South Sumatera Province are not "accepted" by PT TGM, so they feel that we are not keeping the promise of payment. Whereas by regulation, the BPKP review is what we refer to in paying the LRT Feeder service bill, added Rode.

"We have indeed been expecting the bill to be sent and thankfully today we have received the bill for further payment to PT TGM, which has dozens of drivers and employees. In other words, our common spirit that Angkot Feeder LRT must continue to operate and the welfare of the LRT Feeder Drivers and employees must also be maintained." 

The South Sumatera Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) wants to continue to provide South Sumatera LRT services integrated with Angkot Feeder and Teman Bus to support community mobility in South Sumatera.

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