After going through a series of judging processes that took about three (3) months, finally the winners, the winners of the "Top Digital Awards 2021" were announced in person at the "Top Digital Awards 2021" which took place (21/12/2021), at Raffles Hotel Jakarta. A number of Heads of Ministries, Institutions/Agencies, Heads of Regional Governments, Mayors, and IT Managers from various companies attended this event to receive awards. The South Sumatra LRT Management Office itself was attended directly by the Head of the Balai, Prih Galih, ST, MT

At the event, BPAKRSS received an award in the "TOP LRT Tracking Solution for Customer 2021" category. Chairman of the Jury, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ir. Kalamullah Ramli, M.Eng said, the determination of the winner was carried out through several stages. Previously, from the 800 potential participants, they were filtered to be the best 200 candidates. Furthermore, only 172 participants were able to take part in the complete assessment process, including attendance and presentations on the successful implementation and use of digital technology, in judging interviews which were held online.

There are 4 main criteria in determining the winner, namely: Companies / Agencies that are successful in implementing and utilizing Digital Technology in improving their performance, competitiveness, operations, and services, Companies / Agencies that have good Digital Technology systems, governance, and infrastructure. Companies / Agencies that have Leading Digital Technology Solutions / that are considered proud. Finally, companies/agencies whose implementation and digital technology solutions are related to the theme of the TOP DIGITAL Awards 2021, which is to support business/service transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The winner of a 5-star level award does not mean that the government agency is at a perfect level. However, in addition to the evaluation criteria being met well, the Jury added special criteria, namely there are matters related to the implementation/utilization of digital technology, or there are business solutions that stand out, or that are worthy of being imitated or recommended to other agencies/companies, "said Kalamullah Ramli. (AI)

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