The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center held a technical guidance event on government servant performance assessment at the Aryaduta Hotel Palembang. A number of public workers from the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center attended the three days event, which was held in March 2023. This technical guideline intends to enhance public employees' understanding of performing objective and accurate performance reviews. Participants were provided an explanation of the concept of performance appraisal, assessment procedures, and the usage of relevant assessment tools during the event.

In his speech, Mr. Dedik Tri Istiantara, the Head of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center, stated that this technical guidance event is an effort of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center to improve the quality of performance appraisal of civil servants in the BPKARSS work environment. He believes that this event will benefit the attendees and have a good influence on the performance of public employees at the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center.

Mr. Sugiharto, S.Sos., as the Head of ASN Employee Performance Assessment Data and Information BKN's Sub-Directorate of Data and Information Management, served as a resource person. He explained PANRB regulation No.3/2023 concerning procedures for regulating the performance predicate of State Civil Apparatus Employees, in which the regulation of the state civil apparatus (ASN) is now carried out by paying attention to the distribution pattern of performance predicates based on the achievement of the performance of the organization where it works. as well as ASN Employee Performance Management in accordance with PANRB Ministerial Regulation No.6/2022 Furthermore, this effort included methods for producing SKP in compliance with the most recent requirements.

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