The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) announced the presence of the Creative Hub at Bumi Sriwijaya LRT Station, Palembang. The Creative Hub is expected to provide new experiences and satisfaction to South Sumatra LRT users through art performances, such as music and dance. The presence of the Creative Hub aims to provide entertainment and different art experiences to LRT passengers while waiting for the arrival of the LRT. With the Creative Hub, it is expected to create a more lively and interesting atmosphere at the station, as well as provide a platform for the art community in Palembang City to collaborate and perform in front of the public.

The Creative Hub will be a place for various art communities in Palembang City to showcase their talents. Various types of art, including dance, music, mime, and so on, will be presented to entertain and inspire LRT users.

The event at the Creative Hub will be held every weekend and will be divided into two sessions. The first session runs from 1pm to 3pm, while the second session runs from 4pm to 6pm. This schedule was chosen to ensure that all LRT users can enjoy a variety of interesting art performances.

The presence of the Creative Hub at Bumi Sriwijaya LRT Station marks BPKARSS's commitment to continue to innovate in providing the best service and an unforgettable travel experience for LRT users in Palembang City.

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