BPKARSS Receives Three Awards from the Directorate General of Railways

(Makassar 6/10) -In the context of monitoring and evaluating and reporting the performance of the third quarter of 2021 at the Work Unit within the Directorate General of Railways, a meeting was held today Wednesday (6/10) at the Ballroom of Hotel Sahira Bogor. In this activity, there are several agendas, such as discussion of follow-up actions on the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies (SAKIP), discussion of performance achievements and preparation, monitoring reports on performance achievements in the third quarter, filling in the e-monev application for Bappenas, and reporting on achievements of B09 priority programs for KSP monitoring. . In addition, in this activity, awards/appreciation were also given to the Satker or UPT who were in the working environment of the Directorate General of Railways.

In this activity, the South Sumatra Light Railroad Management Office (BPKARSS) received an award for Rank 1 as a Work Unit / UPT with the best performance reporting compliance in the second quarter, Rank 3 as a Work Unit with the best Performance Achievement in the First Quarter of 2021 and rank 3 for compliance reporting performance. the best in the first quarter of 2021. The award certificate was given directly by Mr. Nurhadi Unggul Wibowo, Kabagren of the Directorate General of Railways to Aditya Yunianto as Head of the Finance and General Subdivision of the South Sumatra Light Rail Management Office. With the receipt of these 3 awards, it is hoped that the South Sumatra Light Railroad Management Office can continue to improve its performance so that it can become an inspiring Work Unit that continues to excel even though the Center has not been formed for a long time.

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