The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) held a journalism writing competition for journalists in South Sumatra. The activity was held in commemoration of the 2023 National Transportation Day (Harhubnas). Head of BPKARSS Rode Paulus explained that the competition was held for press people who are officially registered with the press council. "The theme of the activity is the National Movement to Return to Public Transportation (GNKAU). The subtheme of the writing is the Role of South Sumatra LRT (Light Rail Transit) in Increasing the Use of Public Transportation," he said.

The terms and conditions of registration include, among others, competition participants must live in South Sumatra. The submitted news must be original and has never been published before in any media. "The writing, of course, must not violate other people's copyrights," he said.

The contestants, he said, were allowed to send a maximum of 3 works of writing. "Now, this is important. The work must be published in print or online media from September 17 to 16 October 2023," he continued. Finally, the work file is sent to the committee via email [email protected] with proof of publication.

On the other hand, the Head of Utilization of BPKARSS Facilities and Infrastructure Aditya Yunianto said, this activity is a form of a friendly relations with the mass media in increasing public interest in riding the LRT. "The mass media has an educator function. That's what we want to highlight in this activity," he explained.

In other words, the more people who know about LRT, the better. "These days we can see that pollution is quite high. Therefore, LRT can be the preferred mode of transportation for residents. And of course it also reduces traffic density," he explained.

Aditya hoped that the activity could further introduce BPKARSS to the public. "We are also ready to receive valuable input for future updates," he concluded.

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