Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Karya Sumadi visited the South Sumatra LRT on Saturday, 14 October 2023. During his visit, Budi inspected the feeder transportation at Palembang Police Station. He was accompanied by the PJ Governor of South Sumatra Agus Fatoni and PJ Mayor of Palembang Ratu Dewa.

Once at the station, Budi immediately entered one of the seven feeder corridors. He chatted with passengers and drivers enthusiastically. "The presence of feeders helps community mobility. Both to and from the station," he said, then smiled.

Currently, there are seven feeder corridors in operation. Among others, Palembang Polresta LRT Station-OPI Complex, RSUD-Sukawinatan LRT Station, Asrama Haji-Talang Betutu LRT Station, DJKA LRT Station-Plaju Market Terminal, Kamboja-Bukit Siguntang via Demang Station, Talang Kelapa-Talang Buruk via Asrama Haji Station and Asrama Haji-Sematang Borang Station via Jalan Noerdin Pandji.

"I want to convey to everyone, the feeder will continue to operate. And it is even being studied for additional routes," said Budi. The addition, he said, includes three new routes. Those are Plaju, Bukit, and Pusri. "So later it can rearrange the route. Or additional," he said.

According to him, there are several feeder operational points that are relatively far away so that they are not optimal in community mobility. "If it is better regulated, it can increase the comfort of the community in using public transportation. For now, we are still discussing it," he added.

Meanwhile, corridor 7 feeder driver Amik Suseno said he was quite happy to be visited by the minister. "This is the second time we met him. Previously, I also took Mr. Budi around," he said.

Amik explained that the presence of the feeder is important for the general public. "Especially in corridor 7, many state apparatus, students, and students ride. The feeder is often full. Until they refuse passengers," he said.

He expects that the government will continue to support the existence of feeder transportation. "Thus, LRT operations are maximized. Passengers are also comfortable and safe in using public transportation," said Amik.

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