Experience the Remarkable Growth of LRT Sumsel: Soaring from 8 Thousand to 10 Thousand Passengers

The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) recorded an increase in Light Rail Transit (LRT) passengers this year. Previously in 2022, passenger occupancy reached 8 thousand. In 2023, the average daily passenger reached 10 thousand people. Head of BPKARSS Rode Paulus stated, that there are several factors that caused the increase.

Among other things, increasing educational activities and edutrip. Strengthening cooperation with cross-agencies and related stakeholders. Creating subscription cards, priority pins, and subscription rates for passengers. As well as maximizing MSME tenants and creation spaces.

"When looking at the most traffic. It falls on Saturday and Sunday," he said. On these two days, passengers can reach 20 thousand to 30 thousand passengers per day. The most visited stations are first the Asrama Haji, and the second most Ampera Station.

"At the Hajj Dormitory, many workers, residents, and school children use the LRT. While at Ampera, there are many traders and people who want to take a vacation," he said. Therefore, this interest is followed by the presence of feeders /angkot. There are 51 feeder units currently in operation and operated on 7 different routes.

Among others, corridor 1 (Talang Kelapa - Talang Buruk) and corridor 2 (Asrama Haji - Sematang Borang) Corridor 3 (Asrama Haji - Talang Betutu), Corridor 4 (Polrestabes Station - OPI Housing), Corridor 5 (DJKA Station - Tegal Binangun), Corridor 6 (RSUD-Sukawinatan Station), and Corridor 7 (Bukit - Stadion Kamboja via Sriwijaya Station).

On Sunday 17 March 2023, there was also the launch of priority pins for pregnant women and vulnerable people, as well as subscription rates for ASN, the elderly, and the general public.

Meanwhile, Head of Facilities Utilization and Infrastructure of BPKARSS Aditya Yunianto explained that one of the important factors in increasing the number of passengers was the presence of a creation room, reading corner, and also micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) tenants. The creation room is usually filled with music performances at Bumi Sriwijaya Station. Meanwhile, MSMEs are spread across various stations. "They sell affordable food and drinks. We call them partners," said Adit.

In addition, passengers who are waiting for departure schedules can also use the reading corner. The reading corner is a joint creation of BPKARSS and the South Sumatra Provincial Library Service. "From fiction and non-fiction, everything is there," he said.

In the future, his office will continue to develop innovations and creations to increase passenger numbers. One of them is by utilizing agency assets that can be managed together with the community. "As a Public Service Agency, we invite various companies and related stakeholders to be able to advance LRT. This is a mode of transportation that we are all proud of," he said.

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