Deputy III for Economic Affairs of the Presidential Chief of Staff Edy Pryono visited the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) on Wednesday, 18 October 2023. Together with his 6 staff, Edy discussed a number of important issues related to the development of the South Sumatra LRT. Among other things, about railway regulations, train services, Feeder operations, and utilization of facilities and infrastructure.

On that occasion, Head of Finance and General Subdivision of BPKARSS Isyul Bahri said that one of the important issues that needed to be solved was the transfer of assets from several stakeholders. Among others, Banyuasin Regency Government, National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN), Ministry of Finance, DLHP, and BPN. "There are still obstacles. Like the LRT poles. It still needs to be resolved so that it can become a promotional point," he said. He also explained that it was merely an issue of time. Because, BPKARSS has invited stakeholders to discuss. "We have already established a timeline for completion," said Isyul.

On the other hand, Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Aditya Yunianto said that currently the South Sumatra LRT has become a mode of public transportation. This is evidenced by the average 10.900 passengers per day. Increased 2 times from 2022, he said. This can happen because of the utilization of facilities and infrastructure at stations and trains. "We have also contracted with companies. Of course this will increase revenue," he explained.

In addition, the presence of Feeder as feeder transportation also supports the increase in occupancy. "There are seven routes in operation. 5 of which we manage. They pick up passengers and deliver them to the LRT," he added. Going forward, there is a study of adding routes at several points. This was done after the visit of Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi to South Sumatra LRT on Saturday, 14 October 2023. 

There are several things that need to be done to utilize facilities and infrastructure in the future. For example, intensifying advertising on parapets or LRT poles. "We have also proposed bundling airplane tickets plus LRT tickets. "There are many airplane passengers. So when they arrive at the airport, they immediately take the LRT. This will increase our income," he explained.

In the meantime, Edy Pryono explained, there are several things that need to be improved by BPKARSS in the future. "We understand that the rules above need improvement. But problems such as feeders that have not been optimized, asset maintenance that has not been carried out, to increased promotion on social media, must be a concern," he explained. Edy said, South Sumatra LRT needs to emulate the management of the Jakarta MRT or Jabodetabek LRT which is so massive.

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