The Directorate General of Railways together with the National Narcotics Agency of South Sumatra Province conducted a socialization on prevention of eradicating the use and illegal drug trafficking (P4GN) and HIV/AIDS at Wyndham Hotel Palembang, Friday 17 November 2023.

The activity was attended by the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) from the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPARSS) and the Palembang Class II Railway Engineering Center (BTP). They seemed enthusiastic in following every briefing and discussion on the topic. 

The speaker in the activity, Syahrul Hadi explained the role of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) related to the prevention and eradication of narcotics. Based on Presidential Instruction 2/2020 regarding the prevention sector, it involves public campaigns, the establishment of P4GN regulations, urine tests, the formation of anti-drug activist task forces, the development of anti-drug typing in official schools, and support in planning the strengthening of the Grand Design Alternative Development (GDAD) in Aceh Province. 

Meanwhile, in the field of eradication, the Ministry of Transportation has cleared places and circulation-prone areas, strengthened supervision at the entrances of transportation routes, and developed an integrated interdiction system.

Syahrul said that the Ministry of Transportation has also established an MoU with BNN regarding the prevention and eradication of narcotics. The scope includes implementation and evaluation of P4GN, data and information exchange, dissemination of information and anti-drug campaigns, implementation of P4GN operations, increasing participation as anti-drug activists, and increasing the competence and capacity of ASN in the Ministry of Transportation. 

"One of the most important things in the present day is to increase public campaigns through internal and external media," he explained. Towards the campaign, the Ministry of Transportation has set a timeline for one year of work. "Including the presentation of P4GN information on the website, print media, and social media," he added. 

In another part, one of the participants, Sugibyo, said he was happy to see the socialization of drug prevention. He also asked about the sanctions given to state civil servants who are proven positive for drug abuse. "The speaker said that internal discipline would be carried out. All will be returned to the leadership for processing," he said. 

He hopes that this kind of activity will continue to be carried out. Of course, to ground Presidential Instruction 2/2020 for millennial civil servants who are vulnerable to narcotics misuse.


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