(Palembang 9/10) - Director-General of Railways, Mr. Zulfikri, and Director of Railways Infrastructure, Mr. Harno Trimadi, visited South Sumatra LRT Stations, Friday (8/10). Arriving at Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport, the group went directly to the Airport Station to then take the LRT to the Hajj Dormitory Station to check the construction of the People's Crossing Bridge (JPO) at the Hajj Dormitory Station. This activity is part of a three-day working visit to the Southern Sumatra region.

In addition, Mr. Zulfikri and Mr. Harno Trimadi accompanied by Mr. Eben Sihombing, Head of Section of BPKARSS Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization, and Mr. Isyul Bahri, Head of Section of Maintenance and Improvement of BPKARSS Facilities and Infrastructure, continued their journey to Ampera Station. On this occasion, the group carried out a review of the room which would later be used as a space for the benefits of activities for the people of Palembang City. "Later on, this space can be used by the community for activities, according to our wishes to realize the Punyo Kito Galo LRT Station," said Eben while accompanying the Work Visit of the Director-General of Railways.

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