The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) participated in an exhibition entitled Palembang as a Metropolitan City with Quality and Environmentally Sound Infrastructure. The event, held at the Novotel Palembang Ballroom, was organized by the Palembang Regional Development Planning Research and Development Agency (Bappeda Litbang) on Friday (27/10).

On that occasion, Head of Bappeda Litbang Palembang Ir. H. Harrey Hadi, MS explained, the event was held with the aim of increasing human resource support for quality city development. "We invited related OPD/Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (regional apparatus organizations) to synergize with each other, both those in agencies, centers, and ministries," he said.

At least 12 agencies participated in the exhibition. Namely, the Sumatra VII River Basin Center, the South Sumatra Regional Residential Infrastructure Center, BBPJN V, the Palembang Class II Land Transportation Management Center, the Sumatra V Housing Provision Implementation Center, the Palembang Public Works and Spatial Planning Office, the Palembang Housing, Residential, and Land Office, the Palembang Environment Office, PT Hutama Karya, PT Adhi Karya, and Perumda Tirta Musi.

Meanwhile, in the same event, PJ Mayor of Palembang Ratu Dewa visited the exhibition booths lined up in front of the ballroom. He chatted with the booth keepers while asking about the plans, progress, and development of each agency's services.

He expected this kind of activity to continue. In addition to providing booths, the committee in the future also needs to conduct ongoing Forum Group Discussions (FGD). Among other things, it discusses environmentally oriented residential areas, the provision of public transportation, and the development of urban spatial planning.

On the other hand, BPKARSS Public Relations Officer Fajar Anugrah Tumanggor said that BPKARSS is quite active in participating in exhibitions organized across agencies. Some time ago, the same thing was done to introduce Light Rail Transit (LRT) to the wider community at PTC Mall.

Participants who attended the event, as well as the public who attended the exhibition, were enthusiastic enough to ask questions about the South Sumatra LRT. Among other things are operations, services, and passenger occupancy. "The use of public transportation needs to be promoted more widely. Reaching the community, environmentally friendly, and affordable," he said.

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