The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) as one of the Public Service Agencies (BLU) within the Ministry of Transportation continues to synergize and accelerate South Sumatra LRT services. The goal is to provide satisfaction to customers and also increase passenger occupancy. Therefore, BPKARSS invited PT KAI and PT Reska Multi Usaha for a meeting to discuss the improvement of South Sumatra LRT services yesterday 12 September 2023.

Held in the Ruang Diplomat of Novotel Hotel Palembang, the meeting was opened with a welcome speech followed by a presentation by the Head of Utilization of BPKARSS Facilities and Infrastructure, Aditya Yunianto. 

Adiya explained that BKPARSS and related stakeholders need to maximize several things to improve services and achieve the 2023 occupancy target. "Regarding this service improvement, we need to pay attention to complaints from customers. Also supervision for officers at the station. Gestures, words, and actions must be in accordance with the established SOP," he said.

He urged all station heads and station managers to routinely supervise and monitor services. "Especially related to customer complaints against ticketing officers, announcers, security, and so on, immediately followed up," said Adit. 

Meanwhile, regarding the passenger occupancy target in 2023, until August, the number of passengers reached 2,627,172 people. This exceeded the August target by 2 percent from a total of 2,569,505 passengers. "This still needs to be improved. Our target is 4 million passengers. September-December is short. We must really maximize everything," he said.

On the other hand, Vice President of LRT South Sumatra Divre III Palembang Teguh Imam Santoso added, to achieve this target, several things need to be maximized. Among other things, integration of various vehicle services, maximizing asset management, and improving coordination in various sectors.

In this case, he said, PT KAI as the operator, assisted by PT Reska Multi Usaha, also plays a role in branding the face of South Sumatra LRT in the eyes of customers. "I also monitored the station several times. If there are obstacles, I am immediately firm, follow up," he said.

During the meeting, various inputs from station heads and station managers were also accommodated to be followed up by the leadership. Among other things, about maximizing tenants, creation space, health services, and other supporting units that facilitate services.

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