The 10th National Student Paralympic Week (PEPARPENAS) has kicked off at Jakabaring Sport City Palembang with a grand opening. More than 500 athletes with disabilities from 19 provinces in Indonesia participated in this prestigious sports competition. For a week, starting from 29 July to 5 August 2023, the stadium in Palembang became the witness of the passion, dedication, and achievements of these amazing young athletes.

One special moment that was highlighted was the use of the South Sumatra LRT as the official mode of transportation to bring the PEPARPENAS contingent from Sultan Mahmud Badarudin Airport to Jakabaring Stadium Palembang. The use of the South Sumatra LRT is an innovative and disability-friendly move supported by the South Sumatra Provincial Government, ensuring athletes can participate in this event with comfort and ease.

By using the South Sumatra LRT, athletes with special needs and PEPARPENAS contingent delegates can avoid transportation barriers and enjoy an efficient journey to the venue. The South Sumatra LRT has been well prepared to welcome PEPARPENAS participants and provide accessibility facilities to support their mobility.

The use of South Sumatra LRT in the Xth PEPARPENAS demonstrates the commitment of the government and event organizers to ensure inclusive and equitable sports events. Athletes with various special needs can feel the importance of full support from the community and government, while inspiring the younger generation to achieve their dreams through sports.

The 10th PEPARPENAS in Palembang includes six sports to be contested, including athletics, swimming, table tennis, badminton, chess and wheelchair basketball. The athletes have been training and competing intensively to achieve their best performance in this event, hoping to bring home a gold medal for their province.

With a high spirit of sportsmanship, the 10th PEPARPENAS in Palembang has started a new chapter in enlivening student paralympic sports in Indonesia. Hopefully this event will be a turning point for more attention to sports for people with disabilities and become an event that continues to strengthen unity and brotherhood between athletes throughout the country.

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