The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) is one of the Public Service Agencies (BLU) within the Ministry of Transportation. Therefore, in addition to running the South Sumatra LRT service, BPKARS is also required to be creative and innovative in asset management. In managing these assets, of course, strategies and supervision are needed that are integrative and simultaneous.

On that basis, the presence of the Supervisory Board in BPKARSS is important. This was conveyed by Zulmafendi SE, M.Si., during the inauguration of the BPKARSS Supervisory Board (Dewas) for the period 2023-2028 at the Wyndham Hotel Palembang on Tuesday, 11 August 2023. Zulmafendi, who served as the Supervisory Board for the 2018-2023 period, explained that previously the supervisory board was only one person. "Now there are two additional members. In total, there are three people. They come from qualified and professional expertise," he said. They are Joko Murdyono, SE, M.AB., as chairman. And Yennesi Rosita SH, M.Hum., and Mediya SE, M.Ec., Ph.D., as members. Zulmafendi hopes that the three gods can provide understanding, the transfer of knowledge, and continuous synergies.

Meanwhile, the inaugural activity was led directly by the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation, Ir. Mohamad Risal Wasal, ATD, MM, IPM. Symbolically, Risal gave the inaugural ceremony, which was witnessed by the Director of Railway Facilities, Ir. Suranto, ATD., MT, Head of BPKARS Rode Paulus, and officials within the Directorate General of Railways. 

Risal gave input to the new god to be able to understand the investment strategy and development of BPKARSS' non-core business. "The goal is to strengthen services in the maintenance environment, which will be directly proportional to the development of services in the community," he said.

On the other hand, Chairman of the BPKARS Board of Directors 2023-2028 Joko Murdyono said that after the inauguration, they will invite officials and employees at BPKARS to carry out a transfer strategy that will be carried out to increase the revenue of the center. "We will certainly conduct the best possible supervision, to minimize unwanted risks," said Joko.

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