South Sumatra LRT passengers are no longer required to wear masks, according to the Circular Letter of the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia no.17/2023 concerning Health Protocols for People Traveling by Railway Transportation During the 2019 Edemi Corona Virus Desease (Covid-19) Transition Period.

However, all domestic train passengers must continue to pay attention to the following points:

  1. It is recommended that those who are at high risk of COVID-19 transmission continue to get vaccinated against COVID-19 until the second booster or fourth dosage.
  2. It is allowed not to wear a mask if you are healthy and not at risk of catching or transmitting COVID-19, yet it is strongly advised to use a well-covered mask before and during travel if you are unwell or at risk of catching or transmitting COVID-19.
  3. It is recommended to carry hand sanitizer or to wash hands with soap and running water on a frequent basis, especially if they have come into contact with things that are used together.
  4. People who are unwell and at risk of catching or transmitting COVID-19 should stay away from crowds.

South Sumatra LRT currently operates from 05.00 to 20.43. South Sumatra LRT is also linked to other types of transportation, such as BTS and LRT feeders. The fare is quite cheap, at 5.000 rupiah for all routes except to and from the airport station, which is 10.000 rupiah.

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