South Sumatra LRT "Airs" in Palembang, With Play FM

South Sumatra LRT “Airs” in Palembang, Together with Play FM

(Palembang 24/9) - One of the leading radio stations in the city of Palembang, Play FM invited the Head of the South Sumatra Light Railways Manager, Ir. Amanna Gappa, S.T., S.H.I, M.H., IPM, on Monday (20/09), in the Plug and Play program led by Rinni malik and Satriyo Prakoso, as resource persons on the topic of Optimizing the utilization of LRT facilities and infrastructure assets in South Sumatra.

In the event, which was streamed and broadcast on Play FM 97.5 radio, broadcast for approximately 30 minutes, it explained how the South Sumatra LRT had turned into a public service agency. So that the focus of the South Sumatra LRT is not only providing LRT transportation services for the people of South Sumatra, especially the city of Palembang. However, the South Sumatra LRT also provides various asset utilization services, both facilities and infrastructure in the South Sumatra LRT.

Currently, at South Sumatra LRT stations, digital signage and videotron are available which can be used to deliver advertisements or information from individuals or business entities to South Sumatra LRT users. People can display happy birthday, anniversary, or various other greetings. In addition, the South Sumatra LRT also provides a place for MSMEs and culinary and retail entrepreneurs to be able to open stand booths at LRT stations. The Head of the Sumatran Light Railways Management also invited all Indonesian people, especially South Sumatra, to be able to take advantage of the South Sumatra LRT assets.

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