Palembang - Towards the end of 2021 the South Sumatra Light Railroad Management Center (BPKARSS) on Thursday (21/10) launched a new program entitled "Stasiun Punyo Kito Galo”. “This program is an effort by BPKARSS to provide a public open space that can be utilized by the people of South Sumatra in their activities. Mainly, we want the community to be closer to the South Sumatra LRT.” This was conveyed by the Head of the South Sumatra Light Rail Management Office, Amanna Gappa on the sidelines of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity held at Ampera Station. The FGD was themed “Optimizing the Utilization of South Sumatra LRT Facilities and Infrastructure” in collaboration with the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII). In this activity, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed between the South Sumatra Light Rail Management Office and several Universities and Art Communities in Palembang City.

On this occasion, also present representing the Governor of South Sumatra, Mrs. Dr. Hj. Ekowati Retnaningsih, S.Km.,M.Kes. as the Assistant for Financial Economy of South Sumatra Province, Secretary of the Directorate General of Railways, Mr. Zulmafendi, S.E., M.Sc. who directly gave remarks and support to Mr. Ir. Amanna Gappa, S.T., S.H.I., M.H., IPM., for the change project carried out with the tagline “Stasiun Punyo Kito Galo”.

In this FGD activity, several topics were raised and discussed directly with the presenters, including government policies in public transportation services, the concept of integration and TOD around the South Sumatra LRT Station, and business strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. With this activity, it is hoped that it can bring up brilliant creative ideas for the utilization of South Sumatra LRT facilities and infrastructure. So that it can generate revenue for the future continuity of the South Sumatra LRT. (AI)

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