On Sunday 19 February 2023, Budi Karya Sumadi, the transportation minister, reviewed the South Sumatra LRT and city transport feeder. Also presented at the event were PT KAI Divre III South Sumatra, which operates the South Sumatra LRT, as well as Principal Staff for Land Transportation Budi Setiyadi, Expert Staff for Logistics and Multimodal Robby Kurniawan, Dedik Tri Istiantara, and his staff.

"There must be a lot of feeder transit for this LRT. The Palembang City Government and the Ministry of Transportation are currently working well together to offer feeder transit. As Budi Karya Sumadi rode the South Sumatra LRT, he declared, "In the future, we will work with the private sector.

Several passengers spoke with the Minister of Transportation throughout his travel. Yusuf, a passenger from Baturaja, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Regency, South Sumatra, claimed he traveled from distance for trying out the Palembang LRT with his family. "I've never taken the LRT before, so I'd like to try it with my kids." "Riding the LRT is convenient, clean, free of traffic, and on time," he said.

In his review, the Minister of Transportation rode the Palembang LRT from the Airport Station to Bumi Sriwijaya Station, and then continued the journey by taking the Musi Emas feeder angkot to the last stop, namely the SMA Negeri 10 stop. Currently the number of South Sumatra LRT feeder transportation (Angkot Feeder Musi Emas) that has been operating is 51 units, which are spread across seven routes and operate from morning to night from 05.00 WIB - 19.16 WIB. The feeder transportation currently has seven travel routes, namely corridor 1 (Talang Kelapa - Talang Buruk) and corridor 2 (Hajj Dormitory - Sematang Borang) Corridor 3 (Hajj Dormitory - Talang Betutu), Corridor 4 (Polrestabes Station - OPI Housing), Corridor 5 (DJKA Station - Tegal Binangun), Corridor 6 (RSUD-Sukawinatan Station), and Corridor 7 (Bukit - Cambodia Stadium via Sriwijaya Station).

Palembang City is one of the pilot cities for urban mass transit development since it has a reasonably comprehensive mass transit system that includes buses, LRT, city transportation and integrated river and lake transportation.

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