Palembang (9/1), Starting early 2022, the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Karya Sumadi conducted various work visits to several regions in Indonesia. On his occasion last week, on Thursday (6/1), the Minister of Transportation made a working visit to Palembang City in order to discuss the plan to integrate transportation services in the Palembang City Region. Arriving at Sultan Mahmud Badarudin II International Airport on Thursday morning, the Minister of Transportation was greeted by the Director-General of Railways, Zulfikri, and the Head of the South Sumatra Light Rail Management Agency, Prigalih. Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation and his entourage visited Griya Agung Palembang to attend a Coordination Meeting with the Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru, and the Mayor of Palembang, Harnojoyo, and all levels of the Regional Government of the Province of South Sumatra.

In the agenda of this meeting, apart from discussing the plan to integrate transportation services in the city of Palembang, it also discussed the construction of the New Palembang Port in Tanjung Carat. "The city of Palembang is a city that is quite complete with public transportation options for the surrounding community, starting from the availability of LRT, Bus, Public Transportation, Oplet to Water Buses, so that Palembang City has the potential to be used as a pilot city in terms of an integrated mass transportation system with various modes. which will provide connectivity and ease of mobility for residents of Palembang and its surroundings," said the Minister of Transportation in the meeting.

The Minister of Transportation also explained the efforts of the Ministry of Transportation and all its sub-sectors in carrying out transportation infrastructure development in accordance with predetermined plans and targets as well as efforts to develop transportation infrastructure in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is the New Palembang Port development project in Tanjung Carat, South Sumatra. "Several developments have been carried out through the creative financing method using creative non-APBN funding schemes or Government Cooperation with Business Entities (PPP), which will involve national and foreign private investors so that in the future the development of transportation development is expected to develop rapidly following the needs of the community and the times," concluded the Minister of Transportation.

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