One of the efforts of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) to increase passenger occupancy is the Edutrip program for students. Currently, students' interest in using the South Sumatra LRT is increasing. Especially during going to and from school hours, as well as holidays. Based on 2022 data, 17.2 percent of all passengers are students.


Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Section, Aditya Yunianto, said that the South Sumatra LRT wants to provide valuable experience for students when riding public transportation. This program is part of efforts to optimize the use of the South Sumatra LRT as an environmentally friendly and efficient mode of transportation in South Sumatra Province.


The edutrip program held by the South Sumatra LRT aims to provide the younger generation with a better understanding of the importance of using public transportation in overcoming the problems of congestion and air pollution. By inviting students to take the LRT, it is hoped that they can understand the benefits of using public transportation as a more environmentally friendly and efficient alternative to private vehicles. "This education must be instilled from an early age," said Adit.


This edutrip event not only provides students with direct experience about using the LRT, but also provides an understanding of the role of public transportation in supporting sustainable development. Students are invited to observe and understand the LRT operational process, from ticket purchasing to the travel process. In another part, participants are also trained to be disciplined in using public transportation.


Apart from that, the South Sumatra LRT is also holding a series of educational and outreach activities about safety when using public transportation, such as using appropriate seats, orderly queuing, and polite behavior during the trip. This is done to create a safe and comfortable environment for LRT users, especially students.


Responding to the edutrip program held by the South Sumatra LRT, several teachers and parents expressed their appreciation for the initiative. They stated that this kind of activity was very important in forming the younger generation's awareness of the importance of using public transportation. "I feel very happy that our children can take part in this edutrip program. They can learn a lot about the importance of using public transportation, as well as how to use the LRT safely and comfortably," said Maryuno Setiana, one of the teachers at Al Furqon Integrated Islamic Elementary School.


It is hoped that through this edutrip program, students can become agents of change in their respective environments by choosing public transportation as the main alternative for their daily commute. Apart from that, it is hoped that this program can be an effort to reduce the level of congestion and air pollution in the city of Palembang, as well as encourage the use of the South Sumatra LRT as a more sustainable transportation option.

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