The office of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) witnessed an important moment in the world of government. Located in the Ampera Meeting Room of the BPKARSS Office, a work contract making ceremony was held for 20 of Government Employees with Work Agreements (P3K) who had just been accepted within the Ministry of Transportation.

The solemn event saw 20 new employees who will hold the functional position of technical personnel officially become part of the team at the Ministry of Transportation. These employees have passed rigorous selection and various stages of tests, as evidenced by their competence and ability in the technical field.

In an atmosphere of hope and enthusiasm, the five employees at BPKARSS have also made their employment contracts as new P3K employees with the functional position of first public relations officer. This shows the Ministry of Transportation's real effort in strengthening its communication and public relations team, which is an important component in maintaining good relations between the government and the public.

On this occasion, the head of the DJKA staffing section, Mr. Syafek Jamhari, M.Pd., was present in person to congratulate all employees who have officially become part of the team. He also delivered a motivational message about the responsibility and important role that these new employees will play in supporting the vision and mission of the Ministry of Transportation.

The signing of this employment contract is not only an administrative step, but also represents the beginning of their journey in supporting the transportation sector in South Sumatra. 

Hopefully, through their dedication and hard work, various programs and projects in the transportation sector can be better implemented for the welfare of the community.

With a new spirit and high commitment, the new P3K employees at the Ministry of Transportation of South Sumatra are ready to contribute and provide the best for the progress of transportation in this region.

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