A solemn atmosphere was felt in the office yard of the South Sumatra Light Rail Management Center, on Sunday 17 March 2023. The directors, employees, and event committees held a ceremony to commemorate National Transportation Day (Harhubnas) 2023. The event started at 08.00. Apart from BPKARSS, the event was also attended by transportation personnel from the Palembang Class II Railway Engineering Center, PT KAI, PT Reska Mandiri Utama (RMU), and elements of the Internal Security Officer (PKD).

In his remarks, the Head of BPKARSS Rode Paulus, who was appointed as the inspector, said that the theme of Harhubnas 2023 is Moving Forward for Advanced Transportation. As one of the centers in the railroad environment, we need to accelerate development, make improvements in various sectors, and improve services.

Quoting Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi's statement, Rode said, this theme is in line with the spirit of independence. "Namely, having high competitiveness, upholding integrity, and continuing to innovate," he explained.

Rode continued, that this year's Harhubnas commemoration became a reflection point for BPKARSS itself in achieving the expected targets. "Two of them are achieving BLU revenue, as well as reaching the target of 4 million passengers a year," he said.

Therefore, he encouraged all employees within BPKARSS to maximize asset management for BLU revenue. Improve public relations services in raising the image of LRT. Also, conduct routine maintenance so that transportation is safe and comfortable.

He said one important thing that should not be forgotten is to create a harmonious work atmosphere and integrity. "Therefore, after the ceremony, we signed an integrity pact in welcoming the Corruption Free Zone (WBK) in the agency," he said.

Rode explained that BPKARSS targets that by 2024, the agency will have received the WBK title. "Of course, this requires a strong commitment from all elements. I have prepared the plan one by one," he said. Hopefully, with the spirit of Harhubnas that has just been commemorated, the vision and mission of BPKARSS can be achieved slowly.

"We are doing our best for the steps ahead. We continue to improve and are ready to receive input from all parties," he concluded.

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