The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) launched ASN priority pins and subscription rates on Sunday 17 March 2023 at Bumi Sriwijaya Station. 

Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Aditya Yunianto said the priority pin is intended for pregnant/breastfeeding mothers and customers with special needs/vulnerable. "So, for passengers who have this pin, they get priority seating on the train," he explained.

Technically, the priority pin is a service product in the form of a pin-shaped identification. Priority pin owners are South Sumatra LRT users who are registered in the passenger database. "The use of pins is only valid at South Sumatra LRT stations," said Adit.

The validity period for borrowing a pin is at least a month and a maximum of 12 months from the date it is activated. Every officer at the station is required to ensure customers who use the pin the safety and comfort of priority pin holders. " One more thing, this pin is not transferrable for any reason," he said.

Meanwhile, the subscription rate for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is focused on those who are active in the South Sumatra Province. " The Electronic Money Card (KUE/Kartu Uang Electronik) that can be used for the ASN subscription tariff is the KRISS, Youth Pledge, and Merdeka editions issued by BPKARSS," he explained.

KUE used by using the ASN Subscription Tariff can only be used by one person for each transaction/departure. The card owner is an ASN who has an identity card as an active ASN in the South Sumatra Provincial Government and is registered in the LRT database.

He said, the weekly subscription validity period is 7 days and monthly 30 days from the date of activation. "Like the priority pin, the card cannot be transferred for any reason," he added.

On the other hand, Head of BPKARSS Rode Paulus said the launch of priority pins and new subscription rates for ASN is proof of LRT's presence in the community. "In the future, we will continue to innovate by looking at the needs of the community," he explained.

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