Modern life often keeps parents busy with work and other activities, resulting in limited time spent with children. However, the opportunity to strengthen strong relationships between parents and children is an important foundation for children's development. This is the background of the "Drawing with Family" activity organized by the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS).

This activity was held at Ampera Station Hall on Sunday 3 March, where 57 children gathered with their parents. In this activity, two categories were contested, namely the Early Childhood Education - Kindergarten (PAUD-KK) and the Elementary School (SD) categories. Each category had a first, second, and third place winner.

The person in charge of the activity, R. Helpiren, explained that each category was judged based on several aspects, such as the quality of the drawings made and the cohesiveness between the children and their parents. Furthermore, Helpiren emphasized that the purpose of this activity was not only to find winners, but also to strengthen family ties and bonding.

"We believe that strong family bonding is an important part of a child's education in the future," said Helpiren. She also expressed her hope that similar events can continue to be conducted in the future. That way, BPKARSS can be directly involved in children's education, helping to create stronger relationships between parents and children in the midst of busy modern lives.

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