School Opens Face-to-Face, LRT South Sumatra Opens EduTrip For School Children

Schools Open Face-to-face, LRT Sumsel Opens EduTrip for School Children

(Jakarta 27/9) - The COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on almost all industrial sectors in Indonesia. The world of education is no exception. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools to organize online teaching and learning activities (KBM). After almost 2 years, in early September 2021 the Pelembang City Government decided to implement face-to-face teaching and learning activities.

The South Sumatra LRT welcomes the face-to-face teaching and learning process in schools. Through the Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Section, the South Sumatra LRT opens opportunities for schools in the city of Palembang to take part in EduTrip activities at the South Sumatra LRT. The PIC of the activity, Megawati, explained that this activity can be used by schools to invite students to learn directly and get to know the South Sumatra LRT more closely. "Schools can travel by LRT and students will receive briefings on officers and facilities at the South Sumatra LRT Station," he said when asked about the purpose of this EduTrip. "Actually, this activity has been around for a long time, it just stopped due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic," he added. For schools that want to take part in the EduTrip LRT activity, they can directly contact Ms. Indah (08122892742) and Mr. Elin (085273017322)

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