The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) rewarded the 4 Millionth Passenger of South Sumatra LRT for having passed the 4 Millionth Passenger of South Sumatra LRT. The event took place at the Bumi Sriwijaya station. BPKARSS Head Rode Paulus handed over the reward in person, accompanied by BPKARSS Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Section Head Aditya Yunianto. 

Dewi, the recipient of the award, was happy to receive the surprise. She had planned to use the South Sumatra LRT yesterday for a vacation with her two children. "As soon as I arrived at the ticket office. As soon as I bought the tickets and turned around, there was a surprise from South Sumatra LRT," she said, smiling. Finally, Dewi took a moment to accept the award and take pictures with Rode and Aditya. 

She explained that the recognition meant a lot to her. It's not just the award. It is also about her love for the South Sumatra LRT. "I use the LRT for my daily travel. I did not expect to be selected as the 4 millionth passenger. I hope South Sumatra LRT can be more advanced in the future," he said. 

On this occasion, Rode and Aditya also gave away prizes to three winners of the news writing contest in the journalist category. They are Rendi Fadillah (1st place) from Sumatra Ekspress. Ardhy Fitriansyah (2nd place) -, and Linda Trisnawati from Tribun Sumsel as 3rd place. 

Rode said that the role of mass media is needed to strengthen the role of South Sumatra LRT. As the fourth pillar of democracy, the press has a duty to educate the public. He said. "Once there is information needed by the community, suggestions, and even input, we certainly need the mass media to disseminate it," Rode said. 

On the other hand, the role of the press is also important in influencing the community. "The nature of the press is to disseminate. So that's what we need. The synergy between the press and BPKARSS must not be interrupted," he said. 

Towards the end of 2023, Rode Paulus hopes that the public will be more interested in riding the South Sumatra LRT. As the backbone of transportation in South Sumatra, the progress of the South Sumatra LRT is also determined by the community. "Citizen support in the form of participation and critical input is beneficial. The support of the citizens in the form of involvement and critical input is beneficial for the progress of the LRT in the future. 

As an ultimate goal, BPKARSS continues to promote the National Movement to Return to Public Transportation (GNKAU). This slogan should not only be a symbol. It must also be grounded and touch all levels of society. "If everyone works together and supports this movement, many positive values will emerge," says Rode. Among other things, the public's reliance on public transportation will increase, car emissions will decrease, and traffic congestion will decrease.


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