What is GAPEKA ?

What is Gapeka? Have you ever heard of the GAPEKA in the world of railways?

GAPEKA is a Train Travel Chart. Based on PM 110 of 2017, the Train Travel Chart (Gapeka) is a guideline for managing the implementation of train travel which is depicted in the form of a line showing the station, time, distance, speed and position of the train journey starting from departing, crossing, overtaking and stopping, which illustrated graphically for the control of train travel.

What are the things that must be considered in making Gapeka?

In making Gapeka, of course, you have to pay attention to several important things that can influence, including:

Input from the operator of the railway facilities;
Railway Transportation Needs;
existing railway facilities;
The condition of the railway infrastructure.

Then, who is obliged to make Gapeka?

Gapeka is made by the owner of the railway infrastructure or in this case the government which is based on the rail transport service that will be implemented. If the owner of the infrastructure is a business entity, then the Gapeka is made by the business entity and approved by the Minister, Governor or Regent/Mayor in accordance with the authority.

What is the function of GAPEKA?

The Train Trip Chart (Gapeka) is made to determine the numbering of train trips where arrival and departure times have been determined at each station, as well as determining the speed limit (taspat) of trains. From Gapeka, various plans were also carried out which included preparing the composition of the train series, maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, and so on.

The existing train schedule, that is what the public knows, is one of the things that Gapeka produces.




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