The South Sumatra LRT (Light Rail Transit) Hajj Dormitory Station was busy on Thursday, 10 August 2023. A group of 152 students from Al Furqon Integrated Islamic Primary School visited the station to introduce South Sumatra LRT to students. The activity was titled Edutrip to LRT South Sumatra. 

Students were so enthusiastic to follow every series of events. First of all, they were directed by the teacher to claim neatly and divided into two groups. Next, they rode the escalator to the train pick-up point. One by one, students boarded, and enjoyed the ride.

"This is the first time we have done this. So the children are a bit boisterous. Understandably so," said PJ (Person in Charge) of Activities Maryuno Setiana. He explained that the idea came from a team of teachers to introduce public transportation to students. "So we don't just say this and that, but they directly participate in riding the LRT. So that they feel for themselves," he said. 

Setiana explained that this kind of activity needs to be done early on, to raise students' awareness. "If there are many good public transportation, the use of motorbikes and cars will decrease. Pollution will be decreased. The environment will be better," she said. That way, the activity does not stop just once. They are planning a follow-up trip with different participants. "Maybe next month," he said.

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