The Level Crossing at Simpang Joglo is part of the Solo - Semarang crossing, especially between Solo Balapan - Kadipiro, where are crossed long and medium-distance trains for both passenger and goods transport, Joglosemarkerto commuter trains, and Adi Soemarmo Airport trains. 

The Simpang Joglo level crossing intersects with the highway with the condition of the traffic flow being very congested and causing congestion problems in the city of Solo. And considering that in the future, the frequency of train trips that cross the Solo - Semarang route will increase.

The government through the Class I Railways Engineering Office for the Central Java Region, the Directorate General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation seeks to provide a solution to this problem by eliminating non-level railway crossings at the Joglo intersection, through "Construction of the Elevated Railroad Between Solo Balapan - Kadipiro Phase I". This development is part of the Solo - Semarang Phase I Double Track Development work program.

On December 16, 2021, the Contract for Construction Work for the Construction of the Elevated Railroad between Solo Balapan - Kadipiro Km.104+700 to Km. 107+000 (Phase 1) by the Commitment Making Officer for Central Java Area I Railway Development and the Executing Contractor in the presence of the Head of the Class I Railways Engineering Office for Central Java Region.

After signing the work contract, it was continued with the Pree Construction Meeting (PCM) on December 23, 2021. In this meeting the implementing contractors, construction management consultants, and environmental impact supervisory consultants RKL-RPL conveyed and explained the project organizational structure, scope work, work methods, and reporting monitoring mechanisms.

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