Vision and Mission of the Palembang Class II Railway Engineering Center


1. Reliable, indicated by the quality of train transportation services that are safe, secure, comfortable and on time; with adequate connectivity, capacity and regularity, and supported by adequate and well-maintained facilities, infrastructure;
2. Competitive, indicated by the efficient implementation of rail transportation so that it can compete with other modes of transportation in a healthy manner in realizing an effective and efficient national transportation system, which is supported by human resources and service companies and supporting industries that are professional, independent and productive;
3. Integrated, indicated by the availability of passenger and goods rail transportation networks and services that are integrated with other modes in an intermodal/multimodal system and integrated with regional spatial planning that determines the socio-economic interaction patterns served;
4.  Technological, indicated by the application of technology that is appropriate to developments and needs in railway operations;
5. Synergizing with industry, indicated by the existence of a strong pattern of cooperation and maximum possible use of goods and services from domestic industry in the operation of railways;
6. Affordable, indicated by the availability of train services that are affordable to every economic layer and all social groups of society in an equitable manner throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia that requires the presence of train services;
7. Providing added value, indicated by the implementation of rail transportation which is able to provide maximum benefits for growth and equitable national development in all fields, including social and cultural, economic and environmental, ideological and political, as well as defense and security;
8. Sustainable, indicated by the continued provision of train services in accordance with investment principles so that they can continue to provide balanced benefits to society from economic, social and environmental aspects in a sustainable manner in the long term;
9. National resilience is a dynamic condition of national security and sovereignty from various obstacles, challenges, threats and disturbances both originating from within and outside the country.

Mission 1. Increasing public accessibility to rail transportation services to support the development of inter-regional connectivity; 2. Improving the safety and security of rail transportation; 3. Improving the performance of railway transportation services by increasing the function of regulators and the role of business entities in administering railways.