Developing Railway HR Competencies, Baperka Collaborates with PPI Madiun

Madiun – The development of the national railway system is not only carried out on the physical infrastructure aspect, but also needs to pay attention to the aspect of developing Human Resources (HR) in the railway sector. After several years previously the Railway Maintenance Center intensively carried out the construction of supporting facilities for the maintenance of state-owned railway facilities, both physical and non-physical, at the end of 2021 the Railway Maintenance Center (Baperka) again carried out a HR development program in the railway sector by collaborating with the Indonesia Railway Polytechnic (PPI) Madiun.


This collaboration was realized by holding the opening of basic education and training for Batch 1 of non-electrically driven railway facilities, railway lines and buildings, and train operation facilities for the Madiun Indonesian Railways Polytechnic in 2021, on Wednesday (11/17/2021) at the Madiun PPI Hall Building.


The event was attended by the Director of PPI Madiun Yuwono Wiarco and the head of the Railway Maintenance Center through the Commitment Making Officer Perdana Kresna Hadi. In his remarks, Yuwono appreciated the collaboration between the two parties, as well as advised the training participants in the learning process to continue to apply the Covid 19 health protocol.


"Follow training in an orderly manner, no knowledge is wasted, always be disciplined and obey the rules, then don't forget to always apply prokes (health protocols), because the pandemic is not over yet, besides that, always maintain physical and mental health, I'm sure participants can running all activities well,” said Yuwono.


The implementation of the training is planned to consist of Batch 1 and Batch 2 in the next few weeks. The two batches were executed sequentially at different times. The training that will be held later is a form of synergy and collaboration in providing human resources in the railway sector for the realization of safe and secure rail transportation for the entire community.


The implementation of this training is one form of efforts to improve the performance of the Railway Maintenance Center in carrying out the management of the maintenance of state-owned railway facilities. The training carried out by PPI Madiun is in accordance with the competency requirements needed by the competent railway industry for the implementation of reliable transportation facilities.


As one of the UPTs under the ministry of transportation, the Railway Maintenance Center needs to make various efforts to continuously improve the quality of the human resources it manages, so that the need for competent transportation human resources can be met. For this reason, cooperation in organizing this training is important in order to realize synergy and cohesiveness between institutions within the Ministry of Transportation.


"The Railway Maintenance Center is in the self-managed phase of developing the maintenance of railway facilities, at this point the center is required to prepare human resources who have competence in their fields, the training carried out here (PPI Madiun) is expected to bridge this," explained the Commitment Making Officer. Kresna's Prime Railway Maintenance Center in a speech by the leadership of the Railway Maintenance Center.


As conveyed by the leadership of the Railway Maintenance Center, the output of the implementation of the cooperation in developing human resources is expected to produce human resources in the field of railways who are qualified, have high professionalism, and have a concern for making rail transportation a means of transportation that has zero mistakes so that the Ministry of Transportation as a regulator can guarantee the implementation of safe transportation.


The cooperation in the implementation of this training is an implementation of PP No. 51 of 2012 concerning Human Resources in the Transportation Sector which contains provisions that human resources in the transportation sector must have competence in the transportation sector in accordance with the type of competence assigned to the position or job in the transportation sector. done.


The implementation of Batch 1 training consists of three class groups, first for the non-electrically driven rail facility class group, the second for the railroad track and building class group, and the last for the train operating facility class group. The three training groups for Batch 1 were carried out in parallel during the 17th to 17th timeframe. 27 November 2021.


From the observations during the training, the training pattern is carried out by two methods, the first method is in the classroom, meaning that there is a process of delivering material from teaching resource persons to the training participants interactively, secondly with the method of practice or observation in the field, there are two locations that can be visited by students. the training participants are in the railway laboratory within the PPI Madiun friend itself, and at locations outside the PPI Madiun, on that occasion the participants will be invited to practice locations at the PPI Madiun work partners.


Human resources are an important factor in any organization, be it government agencies or railway operators. HR is the key that determines the development of institutional governance. HR plays a role as a mover, thinker and planner in achieving the peak of success. Therefore, it is important to develop and improve the quality of human resources, especially human resources in the railway sector. (yog)