Railway Maintenance Center Ready to Receive BTPWJB Assets

Grobogan – Head of the Railway Maintenance Center, M. Andi Hary Murty, hopes that the planned transfer of railway assets from the Class 1 Railway Engineering Center for the Jakarta and Banten Region to the Railway Maintenance Center can run smoothly and orderly.

 This hope was conveyed by Andi hary Murty on the agenda of the working visit of the Class 1 Railway Engineering Center for the Jakarta and Banten Region (BTPWJB) at the Grobogan Railway Maintenance Center office on Friday (10/15/2021). "Currently the Railway Maintenance Center is preparing to become a Public Service Agency, we continue to accelerate, both in terms of HR, meaning competence and on the other hand is optimal asset management," explained Andi.

 In line with this, the leader of the BTPWJB group, Head of Sub-Division of Administration, Asnani Prita, who came with the Head of the Railway Infrastructure Section, Kunta Wibisana, supported the preparation of the asset handover plan, and was ready to follow up on the results of a joint survey that had been carried out some time before in the BTPWJB working area.

 "As the results of yesterday's survey, the Railway Maintenance Center team and the Jakban BTP team have gone down to the asset location, we are accompanying them to the asset boundaries, the asset inventory stage is being carried out until it is clear and clean," said Prita on the occasion of a discussion in the Railway Maintenance Center Office Hall. .

 Both the Railway Maintenance Center and BTPWJB, both are UPTs that are directly vertically under the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation. Assets managed are assets/BMN in the railway sector.

 On that occasion, the two institutions established good communication, as well as being a means to strengthen synergy between institutions within the Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation.

 Management of State-owned assets is one part of good governance in terms of efficient management of State assets or State Property (BMN) and is oriented towards public services and people's prosperity.

 The challenge in managing state assets at every institution that uses state property is to change the mindset of state officials who do not maintain and optimize assets or BMN in their work environment. Another challenge is to continue to encourage all work units within the Ministry of Transportation to carry out Asset/BMN management which is carried out efficiently and effectively by applying the principles of good governance to support national development and be responsible for the greatest prosperity of the people.

 The steps for controlling the BMN are how the management of assets within the Directorate General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation in each Proxy of Goods Users becomes more accountable and transparent. So that state assets can be optimized for use and utilization to support the function of services to the community or stakeholders.

 BMN Management Reform itself began with the issuance of Government Regulation No. 6 of 2006 concerning Management of State/Regional Property, then replaced by Government Regulation Number 27 of 2014 concerning Management of State/Regional Property. Based on these rules, the government has issued a series of policies ranging from controlling BMN, inventory and assessment of BMN to utilization of BMN.

 This is done to support the realization of the goals of bureaucratic reform, including good governance by creating a clean, professional, and responsible state apparatus, as well as creating an efficient and effective bureaucracy. That way, it can provide the best public service. (yog)