Serious Evidence of Archive Management, Baperka Wins Second Place

Jakarta – The Railway Maintenance Center has proven its seriousness in managing the institution's archives. The fruit of the Center's seriousness was rewarded with a Rank II award certificate on the 2024 internal archive supervision agenda of the Directorate General of Railways, which was received on Wednesday (11/20/2024) in Jakarta. 
This award was received by the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center, Prayudi, in the Mataram Meeting Room, Ministry of Transportation Head Office, Jakarta. Present was the Secretary of the Directorate General of Railways, Jujun Endah Wahjuningrum, who presented the certificate directly in front of all representatives of UPTs within the Directorate General of Railways. 
This activity is part of the Internal Archive Supervision efforts of the Directorate General of Railways organized by the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Railways. The main objective of this agenda is to increase awareness and concern for the importance of orderly and regular archive management in the work environment of the Directorate General of Railways. In that momentum, in addition to the Railway Maintenance Center which won second place, the Class 1 Jakarta Railway Engineering Center was ranked first, while the Class 1 Semarang Railway Engineering Center was ranked third. 
In line with efforts to strengthen archival governance within the Directorate General of Railways, Director General of Railways Mohamad Risal Wasal emphasized the importance of archive management as one of the most valuable sources of information to save state assets. 
The event was also enlivened by the screening of a video explaining the importance of archive supervision and the delivery of material on vital archive management by the Director of the Central Archives of ANRI (National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia) Muhammad Imam Mulyantono as part of the education on the importance of good archive management. 
As a Technical Implementation Unit within the Ministry of Transportation that has functional archivist officials, the Railway Maintenance Center has proven to be serious in managing archives, as a commitment to maintaining important state documents. These efforts will continue to be made so that in the future if there are documents that are suddenly needed and important, it is hoped that they can still be found easily and in good condition. (yogo)

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