KPKNL Semarang Holds Asset Portfolio with Railway Maintenance Center

Grobogan - The Semarang State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL Semarang) conducted a field survey in the context of evaluating the performance of BMN assets (Asset Portfolio) at the Railway Maintenance Center, Thursday (14/10/2021). The activity was carried out with due observance of the Covid-19 pandemic health protocols.


Based on the Assignment Letter Number ST-2760/WKN.09/KNL.01/2021 dated October 12, 2021, the Asset Portfolio activity was led by Hermawan, involving a team from the State Asset Management Section (PKN) of the KPKNL Semarang for the object of evaluation of 2 NUP Goods. State-owned (BMN) in the form of land.


The team saw directly the BMN administrative documents at the Balai, in the form of land certificates including the field maps contained therein. The document was matched with the data in the Semarang KPKNL database.


In this field survey, the Semarang KPKNL group led by Hermawan was received directly by the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center, M. Andi Hary Murty. Andi supports the activities of the Semarang KPKNL, moreover the UPT he leads is preparing itself as a Public Service Agency (BLU). "With the visit of the ladies and gentlemen, we can see the potential utilization of BMN assets in the Railway Maintenance Center", explained Andi in the discussion session.


Hermawan conveyed that the purpose and objective of the BMN Performance Evaluation (Asset Portfolio) was to ensure that the managed state assets had been utilized according to their best potential (highest and best use). The strategic target of this BMN Performance Evaluation (Asset Portfolio) is the realization of optimal management of state assets through the use of BMN in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on the management of state assets. "The data submitted by the Railway Maintenance Center team is good, the BMN management team here is also cooperative in supporting the implementation of this portfolio," said Hermawan.


Starting in 2020, the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance, as the Property Manager, has made efforts to improve the quality of the management of State Property (BMN) through evaluating the performance of the Asset Portfolio. This is done to realize one of DJKN's missions, which is to achieve revenue optimization, expenditure efficiency, and the effectiveness of managing state assets. In accordance with the mandate of Article 41A paragraph (1) PMK Number: 52/PMK.06/2016 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 244/PMK.06/2012 concerning Procedures for the Implementation of Supervision and Control of State Property, the performance evaluation of BMN is carried out by the Manager Goods at least 1 (one) time in 5 (five) years. This year the evaluation of asset portfolio performance is focused only on BMN in the form of land and land/buildings.


As quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Finance's DJKN, the concept of evaluating the performance of this asset portfolio is the improvement of public services of Ministries/Agencies, cost savings and optimization of BMN, as well as optimization and increase of Non-Tax State Revenue from BMN management.


BMN Performance Evaluation (Asset Portfolio) is a measurement of the performance of a BMN asset which is carried out systematically and measurably by considering 6 (six) indicators, namely public interest, social benefits, user satisfaction level, potential future use, financial feasibility and technical conditions.


With this activity, it is expected to be able to provide certainty of the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the use of BMN and the realization of optimal management of state assets. (yog)