(Bandung) Railways Engineering Office  West Java Region (BTP JABAR) successfully received an award from KPPN Bandung II for the work unit category with the Best Operator Team at the KPPN Bandung II Award activity which was held on Thursday (03/02) at the KPPN II Bandung Office Hall PHH Mustofa street, Bandung.

Of the 183 work units, there were 25 work units who were awarded, divided into several categories, namely the categories of large ceilings, medium ceilings, and small ceilings, which included the Main Category with the criteria of the work units getting the highest Budget Implementation Performance Indicator (IKPA) during the 2021 budget implementation and Category Supporter.

The Supporting category has several criteria including a Work Unit that has implemented a Government Credit Card (KKP) in transactions for APBN funds, the best work unit Operator Officer, the Best Work Unit in Participating in the Certification of Treasury Officers, the Best New Arrival Work Unit, Compliance in submitting SPM physical documents and Compliance Work Unit in LPJ Treasurer Reporting and Implementation of Financial Report Reconciliation.

Head of the KPPN Bandung II Office, Herkwin, said that his party was trying to encourage the improvement of the financial management capabilities of the Ministries/Institutions Working Units in the region, one of which was by conferring the 2021 KPPN Bandung II Award.

"Because this is a benchmark, the report card on how the work unit realizes clean budget management is right on target, this is their hard work that must be appreciated," said Herkwin

The activity of conferring the KPPN Bandung II Award is a form of appreciation for the KPPN Bandung II to work partner work units in line with efforts to increase synergy and disseminate the values ​​of integrity and service which are the main manifestations of bureaucratic reform

Head of Railways Engineering Office West Java Region,  Erni Bari, expressed his gratitude for the award he received at the KPPN Bandung II Award activity "Thank you KPPN Bandung II for the achievement of Railways Engineering Office West Java Region receiving an award for the Best Operator Team awarding category for the Fiscal Year 2021".

God willing, we will continue to work, actively support the economy. Long live Indonesian Railways!” he said.

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