Bandung (23/12) - Director of Railways Safety, Edi Nursalam, appealed to the public to use the safety facilities that have been built by the government."Behind us are the People and Motorcycle Crossing Bridge (JPOM), this is one of the efforts of the Government, from the Ministry of Transportation from the Directorate General of Railways and the Railways Engineering Office for the West Java Region, to improve the safety of trains and also improve the safety of the people who will cross." This was stated by Edi Nursalam when he directly inspected JPOM at km 175 which is located in the village of Bojongloa, Rancaekek, Bandung Regency, Wednesday (12/22/2021).

The Director of Railways Safety carried out a field review at the intersection and intersection of the railway line with the building accompanied by the Head of the Traffic, Facilities & Safety Section and the Commitment Making Officer for the Kiaracondong-Cicalengka Railway Development Activity.

Edi Nursalam hopes that the JPOM that has been built by the government will be used as well as possible by the community.

Edi Nursalam also appealed to the community and also the village leaders of Bojongloa and the sub-district "we also appeal to the community and also the leaders of the village of Bojongloa and the sub-district to urge their citizens to take advantage and optimize the use of this JPOM and I see that this is still an illegal bridge that causes illegal crossings, this can not be " he said

"Therefore, I ordered the PPK (Commitment Making Officer) to immediately dismantle the illegal bridge that was made by the community, there should be no omission, including village officials, must also control it. it is very possible for us to do it,” added Edi.

"The existing illegal crossings must be closed, we must coordinate with the Regional Government to close them." the lid.

Edi Nursalam continued his activities by reviewing the level crossing at JPL 181 which is located in the village of Rancaekek Wetan and at that location there is also work on the construction of a double-track railway crossing Kiaracondong - Cicalengka.

Previously, Edi Nursalam gave safety-related briefings to all Railways Engineering Office for the West Java Region employees on a hybrid basis (offline and online) in the Meeting Room of the Railways Engineering Office for the West Java Region Office, including the establishment of an Advance Team at Railways Engineering Office for the West Java Region to quickly analyze railway accidents and mitigate landslide-prone areas. In addition, in order to monitor the feasibility of the condition of old bridges that are more than a hundred years old, for construction work to be well prepared regarding the planning of level crossings and the West Java BTP must ensure maintenance, an inspection of the feasibility of railway facilities and infrastructure.

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