The Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation is committed to always providing education to the public regarding the Importance of Safety at Level Crossing.

Bandung (17/9) - In commemoration of National Transportation Day 2021, the West Java Regional Railways Engineering Office(BTP JABAR) together with the Directorate General of Railways Safety, PT KAI (Persero) Daop 2 Bandung, the Banjar City Transportation Service and the City Regional BABINSA Banjar carried out Safety Socialization activities at the JPL 418 Pejuang Road, JPL 426A Jalan Captain Jamhur and JPL 432 Jalan Raya Banjar-Sidaharja, Banjar City, West Java on 15-16 September 2021 while still complying with the Health protocol.

Head of the Traffic, Facilities and Safety Section of the Railways Engineering Office for the West Java Region, Fitri Antara said "In order to improve the safety of train travel and to achieve the target of zero accidents and commemorate Harhubnas and the transmission of Covid-19, the Railways Engineering Office for the West Java Region held a socialization of safety at level crossings. The community is very enthusiastic about organizing this activity,” said Fitri.

Fitri also expressed her gratitude to the Directorate of Safety of the Directorate General of Railways, PT. KAI Daop 2 and the Banjar City Transportation Agency. This activity is an activity that is routinely carried out every year and this time it was held in Banjar City. Fitri also expressed her gratitude to the people who have obeyed traffic signs at level crossings.

This railway safety socialization activity aims to increase public awareness in obeying traffic rules at level crossings. A level crossing is an intersection between a railroad track and a road made on a plot.

With the implementation of this socialization, it is hoped that road users will become more aware of always prioritizing train travel so that train travel is safe and the rate of accidents caused by violations at railroad crossings can be minimized.

Safety socialization was carried out by installing and unfurling banners containing safety appeals, using props, distributing brochures as a means of education. The appeal was also conveyed through loudspeakers so that road users were always careful.

In addition, the handover of safety vests to non-governmental crossing guards as well as the provision of masks and hand sanitizers in the context of preventing the spread of the Covid-19 virus to road users who pass level crossings.

In accordance with Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways, Article 199, "Every person who is in the use space of the railroad, drags goods on or across the railway line without rights and uses the railroad for other purposes other than for rail transportation which can be used for transportation. disrupting the train journey as referred to in Article 181 paragraph (1) shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 3 (three) months or a fine of a maximum of Rp. 15,000,000, - (fifteen million rupiah).

Socialization activities are carried out in accordance with the provisions of the applicable health protocol.

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