Cirebon (5/5) - The Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, accompanied by Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, and his entourage of Director General of Land Transportation ,Budi Setiyadi, Head of Indonesian National Police Traffic Corps, Inspector General (Pol) Istiono, West Java Traffic Police Director, Police Grand Commissioner Eddy Djunaedi, Deputy Regent of Cirebon Wahyu Tjiptaningsih, Director of Railways Traffic and Transportation, Danto Restyawan as well as a number of ranks from the Ministry of Transportation, Transportation Office and related agencies reviewed the implementation of the Genose Test at Cirebon Station, West Java, Wednesday (5/5/2021).

Genose services are available at seven stations in the West Java region, namely Bandung, Kiaracondong, Tasikmalaya, Banjar, Cirebon, Cirebon Prujakan and Jati Barang stations. The Genose test is an alternative to long-distance train travel requirements in addition to the Rapid Test and PCR Test with a validity period of 1x24 hours from the test implementation. The provisions for the validity period of Rapid Antigen are written in the Addendum to Circular Letter Number 13 of 2021 concerning the Elimination of Eid Al-Fitr Homecoming and Efforts to Control Covid-19 During Ramadan.

In her review, Puan Maharani, spoke with health workers who carried out the Genose test at Cirebon Station, there were two positive people for Covid-19 out of 200 prospective passengers who were examined. Puan also helped hand over the results of the Genose test to one of the passengers who was about to travel to Jakarta.

Puan and her entourage toured Cirebon Station while reminding prospective passengers to continue to be disciplined and maintain health protocols. " "Where are you going ma'am? You came along with a toddler. If possible, don't travel too far. Keep up the health protocols." Puan said to prospective passengers who brought small children.

This activity is a series of monitoring activities for the preparation for the 2021 Eid homecoming ban, which will start from May 6 to May 17, 2021.

We hope to be able to resist his urge to go out of the house to gather, gather, and of course to go out of town because we must be able to maintain the safety of ourselves, our families, and our environment, "said Puan.

Puan also urges us to always use masks correctly, wash our hands diligently, don't crowd, limit travel, and don't take care of the environment around us. After carrying out the inspection at Cirebon Station, the group continued to visit Harjamukti Terminal

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