(Bogor 28/12) – Neng Eem Marhamah Zulfa HIZ, Member of Commission V of the  Indonesian House of Representatives made a working visit in the context of Monitoring the Labor-Intensive Program of the Ministry of Transportation, Directorate General of Railways in the work area of ??the Railways Engineering Office for West Java Region. Neng Eem visited the construction site for the construction of the Bogor – Sukabumi Double Track Railways for the Paledang – Ciomas segment at Batu Tulis Station, Monday (27/12). Also present were the Director of Railways Infrastructure, Harno Trimadi, and the Muspika and Muspida of the City of Bogor.

The Head of the West Java Regional Railways Engineering Office, Erni Basri delivered a speech "Alhamdulillah, our synergy, starting from the people's representatives in the  Indonesian House of Representatives, the Central Government has a representative from the Railways Engineering Office here, then we also work together with the regional governments it can't be clean like this if we are not united, especially if the budget is not there, it is impossible”. Erni added that the labor-intensive activities continued until the construction project was completed. "Today is a ceremonial activity but actually the labor-intensive activities will continue until the end of the project", said Erni.

"In this case, the Ministry of Transportation is still trying to make this work a success until Cicurug, hopefully around March, it can operate at least one single track. I hope that we can do this program every year, so it's not only this year and the location is not only one, maybe we will look for a few more points so that the impact of this work is enjoyed by the community, starting with the men who work, so it's not just outsiders who work in the area. here but the people here can work here too”, said Harno Trimadi, Director of Railways Infrastructure when giving his speech. "I really hope that this does not only apply during the pandemic period but in the long term because by involving the population, the surrounding community with a labor-intensive existence, there will be an even distribution and distribution of state-budget into people's pockets," said Neng Eem Zulfa HIZ, Member of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives in his speech. "We appreciate that several of our proposals have been realized regarding JPOs, so there is already one JPO in the Cipaku area. We really hope that the handling patterns near this highway can be noticed by the workers, of course, which are temporary and post-completion," said Hidayatulloh, Head of South Bogor Sub-district when conveying his aspirations related to the labor-intensive program for the construction of the Bogor-Sukabumi double-track railway.

Untang Kusnadi, a Participant of the Work-Intensive Program hopes that this labor-intensive activity can last longer, "With this work-intensive, it is better to help residents who are not yet working, it is better to extend it so that there is no unemployment - unemployment again."

In total, there are 16 villages and 4 regional sub-districts in the city of Bogor that are involved in the work-intensive activities for the construction of the Bogor – Sukabumi Double Track Railway. The total number of workers involved in this labor-intensive activity in the 2020 Fiscal Year is 329 workers and in the 2021 Fiscal Year a total of 287 workers, in total there are 616 workers.

Labor-intensive activities in the railway sector are carried out in order to help increase the economy or people's income, especially in the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic. The labor-intensive activities carried out are simple civil works by utilizing local workers or around the project and unskilled in the form of land clearing work, night guards or security, repair work, simple foundation excavation work, fence installation, and sterilization work, excavation work, and other simple work that in accordance with Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 73 of 2018 concerning Procedures for Implementing Labor Intensive Programs within the Ministry of Transportation.

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