Payment of Compensation for Affected Residents Construction of the Gedebage-Haurpugur Double Track Railroad Runs Smoothly

Bandung - In order to support the smooth running of the National Strategic Project (PSN) promoted by President Joko Widodo, the Ministry of Transportation through the Directorate General of Railways paid compensation to residents affected by the construction of the Gedebage - Haurpugur double-track train with a total payment value of IDR 29 billion.

Head of Railways Engineering office for West Java Region, Erni Basri, thanked the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil,  for his support in the implementation of the compensation payment.

"We Railways Engineering office for West Java Region representing the Director General of Railways, the Ministry of Transportation are very grateful for the support of the Governor of West Java and the Integrated Team as well as the Task Force for Handling Community Social Impacts in the Context of Providing Land for National Development who have worked optimally so that our targets are completed smoothly, coordination in the field It's also very good, even though we are very saddened by the passing of the Mayor of Bandung, but he is very extraordinary, hopefully it will be a charity and hopefully we will all be given the blessings of a happy society and we can get through this pandemic, all of them are healthy, "she concluded.

The payment of the compensation money, which has been determined by the Governor of West Java, will be carried out from 20 September 2021 to 29 December 2021 in seven places attended by the local sub-district head and village head.

This was said by the Railways Engineering office for West Java Region Land Commitment Making Officer, Susiana, on the sidelines of the donation event in Bandung, Thursday, September 29, 2021.

"Alhamdulillah, after receiving a determination of the amount of compensation by the Governor of West Java, at the end of December 2021 the payment of compensation for affected residents between Kiaracondong-Cicalengka has been completed with the number of affected villages as many as 14 (fourteen) and the number of affected residents in 836 areas," he said.

The compensation provided consists of the cost of cleaning everything above the ground (the cost of demolishing the house), mobilization, house rent, and loss of income allowance costs.

The affected villages include Babakan Sari, Sukapura, Antapani Kidul, Cisaranten Endah, Cisaranten Kulon, Babakan Penghulu, Cimencrang, Cibiru Hlir, Cinunuk, Cileunyi Wetan, Jelegong and Haurpugur villages.

The amount of compensation varies according to the assessment criteria that have been carried out by the Appraisal/Public Appraisal Service Office.

"Based on Presidential Regulation Number 62 of 2018, that the demolition/emptying of buildings is carried out 7 (seven) days after receiving the compensation money," she added.

The payment of compensation paid for 2021 has reached 98 percent, so there is still 2 percent that has not been paid due to the availability of the budget.

Meanwhile, the Head of Sub-district of Cinambo, Denny Sany, said that the socialization activity went well and smoothly.

“Alhamdulillah, if we look at this socialization, even though at the time of checking there was a miscommunication, it could still be resolved. I thank Railways Engineering office for West Java Region, and I hope the community can take the best lessons and hopefully be more prosperous," said Denny.

Gedebage Sub-district Head, Jaenuddin also hopes that the communication can be further improved.

"When the target to be built must be in direct contact with the community, we hope that the communication and coordination factor with regional officials, including with the community, should be prioritized because after all, even though we have been using government-owned land, of course, we have to talk first so that there are no missteps. communication in the field," he said.

Furthermore, Jaenuddin added that there were several aspirations of the people which were fulfilled by the government, in this case, Directorate General of Railways through the Railways Engineering office for West Java Region in the form of repairing channels, roads, and gates as well as absorption of labor or labor-intensive.

One of the residents who received the compensation, Siti Nurwanti said she was very grateful for the compensation.

"Alhamdulillah, although it is beyond expectations, hopefully, this compensation money can be useful for the family," said the resident of Cimencrang Village.*

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