(Bandung - 8/6) Currently, the Ministry of Transportation is building a double-track crossing Kiaracondong - Cicalengka, in phase I between Gedebage - Haurpugur the work has reached 55 percent The Head of the West Java Regional Railways Engineering Office, Erni Basri, this morning met the Mayor of Bandung, Oded M Daniel, for coordination related to the National Railway Master Plan (RIPNAS) in Bandung City at the Bandung City Hall Dalem Kaum Bandung Street (08/08/2021)

"We are having an audience with the Mayor, Alhamdulillah, we have to coordinate this, yes, whatever we do we have to convey. Of course, we who are in the field have worked full time too, said Erni. Erni added, we are talking about the double track and now we are focusing on Kiaracondong, our double track will be building Kiaracondong-Cicalengka.

Now again the first phase and 2022 will enter the second phase. Of course we need the land, the land is very effective, because we have existing routes, we take advantage of certain communities, there have been studies, there have been LARAPs, there have been numbers that had to move. We have to socialize in more detail, even though it has been socialized in the past year," he explained.

For implementation, we have to wait for an independent team, there are budget rules. Thank God the Central Government supports us, God willing, we will start by the end of this year. he added. Phase one we are still working on the preparation of the road, because that is where the condition of our land is very technical. The bridge work here is not long - we have started the new setting later, we will lift the existing one and so that the level can be better and the train speed that we are targeting can support it as well. We look forward to having a fast train, of course the double track can also operate, he said.

The double track that we are working on now is 14 km long, later it will be a partial 9 km, so a total of about 26 km.

For phase II, the government lands which are currently occupied by residents will be sterilized first. Government land, including Kiaracondong, is government land.

So there are a total of 900 fields while in Kiaracondong there are 600 fields. if the total from end to end there are 900 fields," he explained.

As is known, the building that stands on land owned by the government has been occupied by residents for decades, "they need it because it's been a long time. But actually, from the moment they occupied it, they already knew it belonged to the government, so if the government wants to use it, they will cooperate," he explained.

In this case, the government provides strategic support for this, the term is there is spirituality, the rules are there, we are guarding it," he added.

Erni revealed that residents affected by the double-track construction will receive money according to the applicable regulations. "The amount of Kerohiman that will be paid based on Presidential Decree No. 62 of 2018 is regulated that compensation consists of 12 months rent, unloading costs, mobilization costs and land use costs. building area is not affected.

In addition, Erni also ensured that the construction of the double track will support the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail project. "With the double route to Bandung, community connectivity can be faster when using this public facility. The construction of the double track is also projected to be able to double the number of trains that pass through this area,' he concluded.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Bandung, Oded M. Danial, supported the construction of the Kiaracondong – Cicalengka double track. The Bandung City Government is only a companion to the development process because the entire project is in the Ministry of Transportation, which is budgeted at Rp. 1.3 trillion.

"We support, and we accompany. Because this is in the Bandung City area, he said. In addition, Oded also emphasized that the most important thing is to always coordinate.

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