BANDUNG - In order to improve safety at level crossings, the Directorate General of Railways conducted safety socialization which was carried out simultaneously at several level crossing points. This activity was also carried out by the Directorate of Railway Safety together with the Railway Engineering Center including the Class I Bandung Railway Engineering Center at 2 crossing points namely JPL 165 A, Laswi, Bandung City and JPL 200, Krucuk, Cirebon City, Wednesday 20 September 2023.

This activity was carried out together with relevant stakeholders, namely PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop 2 Bandung and Daop 3 Cirebon, BPTD Class II West Java, Cirebon City and Bandung City Transportation Office, Police, PT Jasa Raharja representatives of Bandung and Cirebon City, Bandung City and Cirebon Regency Highways Office, Edan Sepur Bandung Community, IRPS Cirebon.

"On behalf of DJKA, we would like to thank the Head of Daop, Head of Transportation Department, and BPTD as well as all of you who support today's activity. We hope this activity can be sustainable because this socialization is not enough to be done only once because to foster a culture of safety for road users we must consistently do it continuously," explained Imam Prasetyo, Head of Sub Directorate of Prevention and Law Enforcement, Directorate of Railway Safety.

Imam added that this safety socialization activity will be carried out continuously and in 2024 DJKA has programmed activities to improve safety facilities at crossings at more than 108 points that have been proposed in 2024.

"InsyaAllah in 2024 consistently and slowly, our efforts to improve and arrange these crossings can be implemented so that hopefully in the future safety at these level crossings will increase and accidents will decrease", added Imam regarding the plan for safety socialization activities in the future.

In addition to safety socialization activities, at this momentum, there was also the inauguration of the Yellow Box in the railway level crossing area and the symbolic handover of safety vests to the Crossing Guard (PJL). The purpose of installing Yellow Box markings is expected to improve the discipline and safety of road users. With the Yellow Box markings installed, it will make the level crossing area sterile when the railroad crossing doors begin to close. (IK)

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