Performance Agreement for the Head of the Java Region Railway Engineering Center Section
East for the 2021 Fiscal Year is prepared based on an achievement plan
the target of the 2021 work program as stated and elaborated in
Strategic Plan (Renstra) Directorate General of Railways 2020-
2024 and based on the main tasks and functions of the Railway Engineering Center
Eastern Java Region as regulated in the Ministerial Regulation
Transportation Number PM.63 of 2014 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of Balai
Railway engineering.

The 2023 Performance Agreement contains the implementation of work programs and
activities as well as measuring the success of performance targets, achieving goals,
targets and improve accountability, transparency and performance of Balai Teknik
Surabaya Class I Railways to be achieved in Year
Budget 2023. Targets and Performance Indicators Activities carried out on
year 2023

Hopefully this 2023 Performance Agreement can be used as a guide in implementing the work program and activities of the Surabaya Class I Railway Engineering Center in order to create a good governance system, and hopefully the implementation can run on time, on target, and according to the specified target.

Download the Surabaya Class I BTP Performance Agreement 2023 here