Surabaya (07/01), 4 Januari lalu menjadi hari terakhir dari pelaksanaan Posko Pengawasan Pengendalian Kereta Api pada masa pandemi Covid – 19 yang ditutup langsung oleh Menteri Perhubungan melalui Zoom Meeting Cloud. Posko Penga
Banyuwangi (19/11) Along with the development of Science and Technology which has an impact on the increasing number of changes and developments in the implementation of activities, especially in the field of personnel and adminis
Surabaya (27/10) Direktorat Jenderal Perkeretaapian melalui Balai Teknik Perkeretaapian Wilayah Jawa Bagian Timur menggelar program Padat Karya proyek pembangunan Jalur Ganda Sepanjang-Mojokerto (JGSM). Selain untuk mendukung prog
(Makassar 6/4) – The construction of the railway line between Makassar – Parepare, which had been long dreamed of, find the point of light through the Focus Group Discussion on the Development and Operation of the South Sulawe