Baperka's Eid 2024 Command Post, Supports the Minister of Transportation's Work Agenda

Grobogan – Head of the Prayudi Railway Maintenance Center forms a 2024 Eid Command Post at the Railway Maintenance Center. This formation is stated in the Decree of the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center regarding the Supervision Post for the Implementation of Idul Fitri Transportation in 2024 (1445H) in the Railway Sector.

"We must provide the best service in the field of State-Owned Facilities (SMN) management services. "The entire team must carry out their duties with enthusiasm and sincerity, so that the 2024 Eid transport activities run smoothly," said Prayudi, when signing the SK for the Baperka Lebaran Command Post Team, Wednesday (3/4/2024).

He added that the Eid 2024 Command Post operates 24 hours from 4-18 April 2024. The personnel on duty consist of employees of the Railway Maintenance Center. They are divided into two duty shifts.

Personnel on duty at the Lebaran Baperka Command Post located in Grobogan, Central Java, are expected to provide the best service in the railway sector. Moreover, based on data from the Ministry of Transportation, it is estimated that around 61.6 million people will enter and pass through Central Java province. Meanwhile, it is predicted that a total of 193.6 million Indonesians will make the homecoming movement in 2024 through a survey by the Ministry of Transportation's Transportation Policy Agency.

The Eid Command Post was formed to communicate, coordinate and act as command and control for the management of State-Owned Facilities (SMN) at the Railway Maintenance Center.

Its nature is to monitor Eid transport in 2024, in particular to carry out routine monitoring of State-Owned Facilities (SMN) so that they are always ready when needed.

As a UPT under the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation which specifically has duties in the field of railway facilities maintenance, the duties of the 2024 Lebaran Command Post are predominantly related to monitoring State-Owned Railway Facilities at the Ngrombo Workshop, Grobogan.

Based on the 2024 Lebaran Post State-Owned Facilities condition report, a total of fourteen SMNs were observed to be at the Ngrombo Workshop. The SMN is ready if needed to be operated during Eid 2024. The operation of the SMN is usually intended to support the official duties of state officials.

In the 2024 Eid homecoming agenda, the Minister of Transportation is recorded as carrying out several working visits in order to monitor Eid transport. One of them is in the city of Solo, Central Java, on Saturday (13/4/2024).

The Minister of Transportation carried out inspections at several points, one of which was the construction site for the Solo Simpang Joglo Elevated Rail Route.

In order to support the activities of the Minister of Transportation at one of the railway transportation infrastructure points, the Lebaran Command Post Team from the Railway Maintenance Center immediately made various preparations for the operation of the Inspection Truck railway facilities, the day before.

Mobilization of Inspection Trucks that will be used by the Minister of Transportation from the Railway Maintenance Center to Kadipiro Station using Truck Trailers. The inspection truck arrived at Kadipiro Station at night.

The inspection truck function test was carried out on Saturday (13/4/2024) in the morning, in order to ensure security, safety and comfort of operation.



The Minister of Transportation boarded the Inspection Truck without any problems, while reviewing the progress of the construction of the Simpang Joglo Elevated Rail. The use of inspection trucks by the Minister of Transportation and his staff took place at 10.00 WIB and ran smoothly, safely and under control.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi carried out the inspection together with the Head of the National Police Traffic Corps, Inspector General. Pol. Aan Suhanan, and accompanied by the Director General of Railways Mohamad Risal Wasal and the Main Director of PT Jasa Raharja Rivan A. Purwantono.

The visit was carried out by the Minister of Transportation with the aim of inspecting the homecoming flow and the construction of the Simpang Joglo railway bridge which is targeted to be completed in September 2024.



The Joglo intersection is a point where long traffic jams occur when trains pass, and this area is also prone to accidents. So the existence of the Simpang Joglo Elevated Rail Line can be a solution to the traffic jams that occur at that location.

The Simpang Joglo Elevated Rail Line is part of the construction of the Solo - Semarang double track railway phase 1 for the Solo Balapan - Kalioso segment along the 10 Kilometer spoor (Km'sp). For the record, the Simpang Joglo Elevated Railway is the longest elevated railway in Indonesia.

During the Working Visit, the Minister of Transportation was seen wearing a PPE vest and helmet. The Minister of Transportation and his staff boarded the Inspection Truck which is maintained by the Railway Maintenance Center. This inspection truck with facility number SK 2 15 03 is an asset managed by the Railway Maintenance Center.

Even though it does not directly relate to the Eid transport services used by the community, the Baperka Eid Transport Post plays a vital role in supporting the official duties carried out by state officials during Eid transport monitoring activities in 2024.

The Eid 2024 Railway Maintenance Center post was closed on Thursday (18/4/2024). (yogo)

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