Baperka Performs Reliable Archive Management Downstream

Soreang – One of the bureaucratic reform programs to build transparency and accountability is to implement reliable, comprehensive and integrated archive management. The three archive management acronyms cannot be separated from the role of all parties, both at the upstream and downstream levels.

The flow of archives at the upstream level must be properly managed from the time a document is created, and becomes an archive which is then classified and used as the basis for archive management, both from the stages of creation, use and storage, and archive depreciation, until the document moves downstream and finally stops being inactive archives at the last archive management place in an institution.

In that place, the archives are then destroyed according to the archive retention period or transferred to ANRI as a static archive to be saved and used as research material and national reference documents.

The Railway Care Center (Baperka) has consistently strengthened archive management at the downstream level since the last two years. Finally, the archive arrangement agenda was carried out by the Baperka Archive Team at the Ministry of Transportation's Central Archives Building in Soreang, West Java, Thursday (4/5/2023).

The Central Archives Building of the Ministry of Transportation is the final estuary for the management and storage of archives of all Technical Implementation Units (UPT) under the Ministry of Transportation. The Railway Maintenance Center itself is one of the UPTs under the Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia.

In the building which has a three-floor facility, the Baperka team carried out a series of classification works on the Balai's inactive archives according to the archive retention period and used codification of sequential numbering. The codified archive is then put back into a new cardboard box, and an identity code is pinned for the archive officer to record, then stored in full in a fireproof filing cabinet facility located on the ground floor south of the Central Archives Building of the Ministry of Transportation.

The submitted Railway Care Center archives include institutional correspondence documents, which are dominated by official letter documents, employee attendance data for 2016, meeting minutes, and other institutional documents with variants from 2015 to 2017 which have been recorded in the Balai's archive system before being handed over to the officer. Ministry of Transportation Archives Central Building Office.

The purpose of classification is to make it easier to find archives again, because archives are arranged logically and neatly. When there are documents that are needed to be considered for destruction, the type of document can be immediately found to be analyzed by officers quickly and easily, because there is already a classification code. The classification code used by the Baperka Team refers to the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KM 48 of 2021 concerning Archival Management in the Ministry of Transportation as the basis for numbering archives, the basis for filing, and the basis for the archive retention schedule.

The work agenda that has been carried out by the Railway Care Center Archives Team, is one form of implementing integrated records management, because it is included in archive management activities at the echelon 3 level within the Ministry of Transportation, especially the Directorate General of Railways.

The Railway Care Center is committed to maintaining good archives according to policies from the Ministry of Transportation and ANRI. The background of good records management is an integral part of good governance.

It is hoped that this small step will be part of efforts to support the 2023 ANRI Annual Archive Supervision Work Program (PKKKT) at the Ministry of Transportation.

As is well known, PKPKT is a plan for archival monitoring activities for a period of one fiscal year. In 2023 ANRI will carry out archival supervision of 95 (ninety five) central agencies including Ministries/Institutions at the central level and National Universities as well as 34 (thirty four) Provincial Regional Governments and clarify the value of the results of supervision of 508 (five hundred eight) Districts/ City.

As quoted on ANRI's official website at The head of ANRI, Imam Gunarto said, that archival monitoring is useful to measure how far we are performing and to find out how successful archiving is in our environment. The performance measurement is based on standardized instruments, criteria and measures.

PKPKT is carried out in a planned manner every year, so that each institution has the same vision, views, steps, and actions in carrying out archival supervision, so that archival supervision can be carried out in a timely and objective manner. Archives do not stand alone, archives are part of the administration of government, state to society. So to judge the success of the archives must be judged by how useful the archives are for the nation, state and society.

The ANRI program is in line with the policies of the government of the Republic of Indonesia in the field of archives in accordance with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on the 2021 2021 50th Anniversary of Archives Commemoration. On this occasion, as quoted from the page, Indonesian President Joko Widodo said that in the current technological era, archive management must be carried out in new ways that take advantage of advances in digital technology, so that old methods of archiving are inefficient and slow. must be abandoned.

"Abandon the old methods of archiving that are inefficiently managed, access is slow, takes a long time to find, and also storage is scattered everywhere," the President said in a YouTube broadcast on the Indonesian National Archives.

The President wants archiving innovation, because innovation is the key to progress. Making fast archive services must be a priority, archiving information systems must be dynamic so that archiving can be integrated more efficiently and effectively. According to the President, better management of archives will become the basis for the government in making appropriate policies, besides that, according to the President, archives will also be a way of documenting the nation's cultural wealth. (yogo)

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