Dynamics of ASN Performance Management in 2023

Surakarta – The transformation of the performance management of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) up to the time of performance appraisal in 2022 which was carried out in early 2023 still uses PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 6 of 2022 concerning ASN Employee Performance Management, which replaces PANRB Ministerial Regulation Number 8 of 2021 concerning the System ASN Management.

There are several points of change regarding ASN performance management. PANRB Regulation No. 8 of 2021 only regulates the management of civil servant performance, while PANRB Regulation No. 6 of 2022 the performance management policy also applies to PPPK. In principle, the management of employee performance between PNS and PPPK is the same.

For this reason, right at the beginning of the year, the Railway Maintenance Center is conducting discussions and preparing the 2023 SKP for ASN and also measuring performance for 2022. A special discussion agenda will be held in Surakarta, 16 January 2023.

This activity is not only to carry out the obligation to refresh ASN work measurement governance on an ongoing basis, it is also for the realization of a Performance Management system in accordance with what is stated in the latest regulations.

As a guest speaker, staffing expert from the ASN Performance Directorate of the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) Sugiharto attended.

According to him, Permen PANRB Number 6 of 2022 is a new transformation in the government environment. "There is an important aspect in Permen PANRB Number 6 of 2022, namely changes in organizational structure. If previously the ASN organization adhered to a top down system, then it has changed to an agile organization and it is hoped that the agile work system will support ASN performance management. The agile work mechanism will support the needs of an agile and dynamic organization," explained Sugiharto.

The importance of ASN performance management for civil servant career development, talent management to sanctions. "SKP is not only for promotion, but also for performance development, talent management, ASN performance management, performance writing if previously started with a verb, turned into a form of output, or the result of work activities carried out," continued Sugiharto.

In addition to work mechanisms, ASN work behavior includes the core value of having AKHLAK and its behavioral guidelines as work behavior that will affect the performance title of ASN. To note, Ber-AKHLAK is an acronym for Service Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive and Collaborative values. The behavior guide is without leveling and can be given specific expectations from leaders for ASN behavior.

The SKP model in Permen PANRB 6 of 2022 uses an indicator approach that is not only quantitative but also qualitative. In addition, SKP contains not only performance plans but also work behavior.

Assessment of individual performance must be linear with the performance of the institution. "The performance of the institutions at LKIP Balai, if the performance of the institution is good, then the performance of employees with good predicates is still relevant, not enough institutional performance, but rather good employee performance predicates, this is not linear and an anomaly occurs," added Sugiharto.

There is something interesting about the latest ASN performance management, which is an important process in implementing, monitoring and fostering performance, namely how to provide regular feedback/ongoing feedback.

Does periodic feedback include the process of providing feedback on things that are already good or things that need improvement whenever employees need it. This can be done directly (face to face) or indirectly (using certain media). Then whoever provides feedback is required to be carried out by the Leader/Performance Appraiser, and can also be carried out by other officials who give assignments to employees, colleagues at the same level, or employees below them (360 degree feedback).

Finally, when is a good time to implement feedback, that is, at any time on the initiative of providing feedback or employee initiatives as needed, meaning that there is flexibility in the implementation time.

The discussion was attended by the Head of the TU Subdivision and Railway Maintenance Center employees. The total participants involved in the discussion reached 40 participants consisting of each work unit within the Railway Maintenance Center. (yogo)

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